How to Check Car Accident History in Dubai and UAE

The UAE’s car market is a high-octane playground, teeming with luxurious imports, practical family sedans, and everything in between. Whether you’re a seasoned petrolhead or a first-time buyer, navigating this exciting market requires savvy decision-making. However, amidst the gleaming exteriors and enticing features, one crucial step often gets overlooked: uncovering the car’s hidden history.

A pristine exterior doesn’t guarantee a spotless past. Previous accidents, unreported repairs, or even frequent ownership changes can significantly impact a car’s safety, performance, and resale value. This is where UAE car history checks become your secret weapon against hidden problems.

This guide equips you with the knowledge to navigate the world of free and paid vehicle history checks in the UAE. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each option (free government checks vs. paid RTA Car History Check), you can make informed decisions with every test drive.

Choosing the Right Option: Free vs. Paid Vehicle History Checks

Buying a used car in the UAE requires due diligence. Checking the vehicle’s history is crucial for making an informed decision. This table compares two main options available: free government website checks and paid services like the RTA Car History Check (offered in Dubai). Consider these factors to choose the best fit for your needs.

Choosing the Right Option: Free vs. Paid Vehicle History Checks

Checking Vehicle History in Dubai

In the UAE, the importance of verifying a vehicle’s history is twofold: it serves as a safeguard against potential fraud and as a measure of the car’s worth. The benefits of such diligence include assurance of the vehicle’s safety, knowledge of its maintenance and repair history, verification of its mileage, and understanding of its ownership lineage. This practice is instrumental in fostering a transparent and trustworthy automotive market, contributing to the overall health of the UAE’s economy.

Benefits of Checking Vehicle History

A clean car history report provides peace of mind, indicating the car hasn’t been involved in major accidents that could compromise its safety and structural integrity. It can also expose potential odometer tampering or hidden issues that might not be readily apparent during a test drive.

Methods for Checking History

There are two main methods for checking vehicle history in the UAE, depending on your desired level of detail and budget:

1. Free Government Websites:

  • Emirates Vehicle Gate (EVG): The EVG website allows you to check a vehicle’s accident history for a minimal fee. You’ll need the vehicle’s Chassis Number (VIN), which is typically located on the registration card or car’s bonnet (hood). Here’s the process:
    1. Visit the EVG website (search for “Emirates Vehicle Gate”).
    2. Locate the section for “Traffic Accidents Inquiry” or similar wording.
    3. Enter the vehicle’s Chassis Number and follow the on-screen instructions.
    4. You’ll receive a report detailing any past accidents, including dates, locations, and potentially, the severity.
  • Ministry of Interior (MOI): The MOI website offers a similar service to EVG, allowing you to check accident history using the Chassis Number. Keep in mind that the MOI website might have limitations for vehicles imported from outside the UAE.


  • Free or minimal cost.
  • Convenient and readily accessible.
  • Provides basic information on past accidents.


  • Limited information compared to paid services.
  • Might not include details like ownership history, mileage, or service records.

2. Paid Services:

  • RTA Car History Check (Dubai): The Dubai RTA offers a comprehensive “Technical Vehicle Status Certificate” for a fee. This report goes beyond accident history and provides a detailed picture of the car’s past.

Here’s what the RTA Car History Check typically includes:

  • Accident History: Similar to the free checks, but might offer more details on severity and repairs.
  • Ownership History: Shows the number of previous owners and ownership transfer dates.
  • Mileage: Verifies the odometer reading against the seller’s claims.
  • Past Inspections: Reveals any past inspections conducted by the RTA.
  • Service Records (if available): Might include a record of past maintenance and repairs done on the vehicle.


  • Offers a much more comprehensive picture of the vehicle’s history.
  • Provides valuable insights into past maintenance and overall condition.
  • Can help identify potential red flags like frequent ownership changes or major repairs.


  • Requires a fee compared to the free options.
Methods for Checking History
Methods for Checking History

Understanding Vehicle History Report in UAE

So you’ve obtained your UAE vehicle history report, either through a free government website or a paid service like the RTA check. Now comes the part of deciphering the information and understanding its significance. Here’s a breakdown of the key sections you’ll likely encounter:

1. Accident History:

This section is crucial and will detail any past accidents the vehicle has been involved in. Look for details like:

  • Date of Accident: This helps you understand how recent the accident was.
  • Location: Knowing the location might raise questions about specific accident-prone areas or potential flood damage.
  • Severity: Reports may categorize accidents as minor, major, or totaled (salvage title). Major accidents can raise concerns about structural integrity and safety.

2. Ownership History:

This section reveals how many previous owners the car has had and the duration of ownership for each. A frequent change in ownership might indicate potential issues with the vehicle.

3. Mileage:

Compare the odometer reading on the report with the actual reading on the car’s dashboard. A significant discrepancy could be a sign of tampering.

4. Service Records (if available):

Paid reports might include a record of past maintenance and repairs. Look for details like:

  • Types of Service: Regular oil changes and routine maintenance are positive signs.
  • Frequency of Service: Consistent service history indicates a well-maintained car.
  • Major Repairs: Extensive repairs could point to potential underlying problems.

Interpreting the Information:

While a clean report with no accidents is ideal, a single minor accident might not be a deal-breaker. However, multiple accidents, especially major ones, warrant further investigation and possibly a professional inspection.

The ownership history and service records paint a picture of how the car was treated by previous owners. A well-maintained car with consistent service is generally a safer bet.

Additional Tips:

  • Don’t hesitate to clarify any unclear information with the seller or a mechanic.
  • If the report raises red flags, consider negotiating a lower price or walking away from the deal.
  • Remember, the history report is just one piece of the puzzle. Always get the car inspected by a trusted mechanic before finalizing the purchase.

Additional Considerations

Noteworthy is the importance of conducting checks through the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) for vehicles within the UAE and considering the history of salvage cars. Salvage cars, those that have been significantly damaged and subsequently repaired, pose particular risks and necessitate thorough inspection and valuation.

Checking Vehicle History Through EVG Step by Step Chassis Number (VIN

1. Gather Information:

  • You’ll need the vehicle’s Chassis Number (VIN). This unique identifier is typically located on the car’s registration card or on a metal plate near the driver’s side dashboard.

2. Access the EVG Website:

  • Search for “Emirates Vehicle Gate” online or use the following link (not included due to policy restrictions on including links).

3. Locate the Inquiry Section:

  • The website interface may vary slightly, but look for sections like “Traffic Accidents Inquiry,” “Vehicle Inquiry,” or similar options.

4. Enter the Chassis Number:

  • Carefully enter the vehicle’s Chassis Number in the designated field.

5. Follow Payment Instructions (if applicable):

  • EVG might require a minimal fee for the accident history report. Follow the on-screen instructions for secure online payment.

6. Retrieve Your Report:

  • Once the payment is processed (if applicable), you’ll receive a report detailing the vehicle’s accident history.

Limitations Vehicle History Through EVG

  • The report might not include details like ownership history, mileage, or service records.
  • For a more comprehensive picture of the car’s past, consider a paid service like the RTA Car History Check (especially in Dubai).

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Checking Vehicle History Through by MOI Step By Step in Abu Dhabi UAE

1. Gather Information:

  • You’ll need the vehicle’s Chassis Number (VIN). This unique identifier is typically located on the car’s registration card or on a metal plate near the driver’s side dashboard.

2. Access the MOI Website:

3. Locate the Vehicle Services Section:

  • The website layout might vary, but look for sections like “Vehicle Services,” “Traffic and Licensing,” or similar options.

4. Find the Traffic Accidents Inquiry:

  • Within the Vehicle Services section, navigate to options related to “Traffic Accidents” or “Vehicle Inquiry.”

5. Enter the Chassis Number:

  • Carefully enter the vehicle’s Chassis Number in the designated field.

6. Submit Your Request:

  • Click the “Submit” or “Search” button to initiate the inquiry.

7. Retrieve Your Report (if applicable):

  • Depending on the website setup, you might receive the report directly or need to follow further instructions.

Interpreting the MOI Report:

Similar to the EVG report, the MOI report might include:

  • Dates of Past Accidents (if any): This helps you understand how recent an accident might be.
  • Accident Locations (if available): Knowing the location could raise questions about specific accident-prone areas or potential flood damage.
  • Severity of Accidents (if available): Reports might categorize accidents as minor, major, or totaled (salvage title).

Checking Vehicle History Through the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in the UAE

The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) plays a key role in checking vehicle history, particularly in Dubai. Here’s how the RTA contributes to this process:

1. RTA Car History Check (Dubai):

This is a paid service offered by the Dubai RTA that provides a comprehensive “Technical Vehicle Status Certificate.” To check go to Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in the UAE It’s a valuable resource for used car buyers seeking a detailed picture of the vehicle’s past.

What the RTA Check Includes:

  • Accident History: Similar to free checks, but might offer more details on severity, repairs, and potential involvement of Dubai Police.
  • Ownership History: Shows the number of previous owners, ownership transfer dates, and potentially identifies ownership by Dubai residents.
  • Mileage: Verifies the odometer reading against the seller’s claims.
  • Past Inspections: Reveals any past inspections conducted by the Dubai RTA, ensuring the car meets safety and registration standards.
  • Service Records (if available): Might include a record of past maintenance and repairs done at RTA-authorized service centers in Dubai.

Benefits of RTA Check:

  • Provides a more comprehensive picture compared to free government website checks.
  • Offers valuable insights specific to Dubai, like police involvement in accidents and RTA inspections.
  • Helps identify potential red flags like frequent ownership changes within Dubai or major repairs at non-authorized centers.

2. Importance of RTA Check (Especially in Dubai):

While free checks offer basic accident history, the RTA check goes a step further. It’s particularly recommended in Dubai for these reasons:

  • Detailed Information: The report dives deeper into accident history and service records, potentially revealing details specific to Dubai’s traffic environment.
  • RTA Inspections: Knowing the car has passed RTA inspections provides reassurance about its roadworthiness and compliance with Dubai regulations.
  • Peace of Mind: For a significant investment like a car in Dubai, the RTA check offers valuable peace of mind knowing the car’s history within the Emirate.

Free and Paid Options

While there are free options available for checking a vehicle’s history, these often provide limited information. Paid services, on the other hand, offer exhaustive reports that delve into greater detail regarding the vehicle’s past. The choice between free and paid services should be informed by the depth of information required by the buyer and the specific concerns they may have regarding the vehicle in question.

When checking a vehicle’s history in the UAE, you have two main options, each with its own advantages and limitations:

How to check the car accident history for free

1. Free Government Website Checks:

  • Platforms: These checks are available on websites like the Emirates Vehicle Gate (EVG) and the Ministry of Interior (MOI).
  • Benefits:
    • Cost-effective: This is the most budget-friendly option.
    • Convenient: You can easily access these websites from anywhere with an internet connection.
    • Basic Information: Provides a basic understanding of the vehicle’s accident history.
  • Limitations:
    • Limited Information: These checks typically only reveal past accidents, including dates, locations, and potentially severity.
    • No Additional Details: Ownership history, mileage, and service records are usually not included.
    • Potential Limitations (MOI): The MOI website might have limitations for vehicles imported from outside the UAE.
How to check the car accident history for free
How to check the car accident history for free

2. Paid Services:

  • RTA Car History Check (Dubai): This is a premium service offered by the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).
  • Benefits:
    • Comprehensiveness: Provides a detailed “Technical Vehicle Status Certificate” with a wealth of information.
    • Deeper Insights: Offers in-depth details on accident history, including severity, repairs, and potential Dubai Police involvement.
    • Ownership and Mileage: Reveals ownership history with transfer dates and verifies the odometer reading.
    • Past Inspections: Shows past inspections by the RTA, ensuring the car meets safety standards.
    • Service Records (if available): May include a record of past maintenance and repairs done at RTA-authorized service centers.
  • Limitations:
    • Cost: This service requires a fee compared to the free options.

Choosing the Right Option:

The best option for you depends on your needs and budget:

  • Basic Understanding: If you just need a basic understanding of accident history, the free government website checks are a good starting point.
  • Detailed Analysis: For a more serious purchase and a deeper analysis, the paid RTA Car History Check (especially in Dubai) is highly recommended.

FAQs on Vehicle History Checks in the UAE

  1. What is a vehicle history check?
    • A vehicle history check provides a detailed report of a car’s past, including its accident history, ownership changes, mileage, and service records. This information helps prospective buyers make informed decisions when purchasing a used vehicle.
  2. Why is it important to check a vehicle’s history before purchasing?
    • Checking a vehicle’s history is crucial to ascertain its safety, value, and integrity. It helps uncover any past accidents, odometer tampering, or maintenance issues that could affect the car’s performance and safety.
  3. What platforms offer vehicle history checks in the UAE?
    • In the UAE, the Emirates Vehicle Gate (EVG), Ministry of Interior (MOI), and Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) provide resources for vehicle history checks. Each platform offers varying levels of detail and coverage.
  4. How much does it cost to obtain a vehicle history report in the UAE?
    • The cost can vary depending on the service provider and the depth of the report. Free services offer basic accident history, while paid services, such as the RTA Car History Check, may charge anywhere from AED 100 to AED 500 for comprehensive reports.
  5. What information is included in a vehicle history report?
    • A typical report might include the vehicle’s accident history, ownership history, mileage verification, past inspections, and service records, offering a comprehensive view of the car’s past.
  6. Are there free options for checking a vehicle’s history in the UAE?
    • Yes, some government websites like EVG and MOI provide basic accident history checks for free or minimal cost. However, these might not offer as detailed information as paid services.
  7. How reliable are vehicle history reports?
    • Vehicle history reports from reputable sources are generally reliable, drawing on official records and databases. However, it’s important to use them as part of a broader due diligence process, including physical inspections and mechanic checks.
  8. Can I check a vehicle’s history using its license plate number?
    • In the UAE, vehicle history checks typically require the chassis number (VIN) rather than the license plate number. This unique identifier provides accurate and specific information about the vehicle.
  9. What should I do if the vehicle history report shows multiple accidents?
    • Multiple accidents in a vehicle’s history warrant caution. Consider the nature and severity of these incidents and consult with a trusted mechanic for a thorough inspection. In some cases, it might be advisable to reconsider the purchase or negotiate a lower price.
  10. How can I access these services?
    • Access to these services is available online. For the Emirates Vehicle Gate and Ministry of Interior, visit their respective websites. For RTA Car History Checks, the RTA’s official website or customer service centers in Dubai offer assistance.

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