Check Labor Card Status

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) boasts a thriving job market, attracting professionals from across the globe. But before you can take advantage of exciting opportunities in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or any other Emirate, there’s a crucial step: obtaining a UAE labor card. This article will be your one-stop guide, unpacking everything you need to know about this essential document. We’ll delve into the role of the labor card and explain why it’s your golden ticket to working legally and securely in the UAE.

Step-by-Step Guide to Card Status

Ready to dive in? Here’s how you can check your labor card status without breaking a sweat:

  1. Start with the Official Portals: The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) has a website and an app. These are your first stops. You’ll need your passport number or labor card number handy.
  2. Follow the Steps:
    • Visit MOHRE’s website
    • Look for the section named “Services” or something similar.
    • Select the option to check labor card status.
    • Enter your passport or labor card number and any other required details.
    • Hit the search or submit button and give it a moment.
check your labor card
check your labor card
  1. Understanding Your Status: The website or app will show your labor card status. It’ll tell you if it’s active, needs renewal, or if there’s any other update you need to be aware of.

MOHRE App to check your UAE labor card status

  1. Download the MOHRE App: First things first, make sure you have the MOHRE app on your device. It’s available for download at no cost from the Apple App Store for iOS users and the Google Play Store for those on Android. Ensure you’re downloading the latest version for the best experience.

Registration: For New Users

  1. Sign Up: New to the MOHRE app? No worries. Open the app and select the “Register with Employee” option. You’ll be prompted to enter a few personal details such as your passport number, nationality, date of birth, and mobile number. These details are essential for setting up your account.
  2. Create Login Credentials: Next up, you’ll set up your username and password. Use your email address for the username for easy recall. Also, you’ll pick some security questions and provide answers to them – these come in handy if you ever need to reset your password.
  3. Verification: Read through and agree to the terms of the app. Then, enter your mobile number and email address for verification purposes. You’ll receive a one-time password (OTP) via SMS or email. Enter this OTP in the app to confirm your registration.

Checking Labor Card Status: For Existing Users

  1. Login: If you’re already a pro at navigating the MOHRE app, simply launch it and log in using your established credentials.
  2. Employee Dashboard: Upon logging in, you’ll land on the Employee Dashboard. It’s your gateway to a range of services offered by the app, including the all-important labor card status check.
  3. View Labor Card: Keep an eye out for an option labeled “View Labor Card” or something along those lines. It might be nestled under sections like “My Profile” or “Employee Information.” Tap on it to proceed.
MOHRE App to check your UAE labor card status
MOHRE App to check your UAE labor card status

Why Your Labor Card is Like Gold in the UAE

In the bustling work life of the UAE, your labor card is your best friend. It’s proof that you’re allowed to work here. It carries your job details, your company’s name, and it’s your ticket to getting paid and staying on the right side of the law. For bosses and businesses, making sure every team member’s labor card is up to date is like keeping the engine oiled – necessary to keep things running smoothly.

Staying Sharp: Keep Your Labor Card Status in Check!

Now, you might wonder, “How do I make sure my labor card is still good?” or “As a boss, how can I keep tabs on my team’s labor cards?” Don’t sweat it; we’ve got you covered with some easy ways to check on them.

How to Get a Labor Card Number in the UAE?

Getting your hands on a labor card number is your first step into the working world of the UAE. Once you’ve landed a job, your employer takes the lead by applying for your labor card through the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE). Here’s the drill:

  1. Job Offer Acceptance: Say “yes” to your job offer officially, and your employer will kickstart the labor card process.
  2. Documentation: Hand over the necessary personal documents to your employer. This usually includes your passport, photos, job offer letters, and any educational certificates.
  3. Application by Employer: Your employer submits these details to MOHRE.
  4. Issuance: Once approved, MOHRE issues your labor card, and your employer will hand you the labor card number. This number is your key to checking your labor status online anytime.

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Checking Labor Card Cancellation Status?

Worried about whether your labor card is still in play or has been canceled? Checking is easy:

  1. MOHRE’s Website/App: Hop onto the MOHRE website or app.
  2. Service Section: Navigate to the ‘Services’ section and look for the labor card cancellation status option.
  3. Enter Details: Input your labor card number or other identifying information.
  4. Status Reveal: Submit your query, and you’ll see whether your card is active, canceled, or in process of cancellation.

How to Get a Labor Card Copy Online copy in Dubai?

Lost your labor card or need a copy pronto? Dubai’s smart government services have you covered:

  1. Digital Platforms: Use the DubaiNow website Or DubaiNow app or the MOHRE website.
  2. Labor Card Services: Choose the labor card service option.
  3. Request a Copy: Follow the prompts to request a copy of your labor card.
  4. Download: Once your request is processed, you’ll be able to download and print a copy of your labor card.

How to Know My Labor Card Number?

Misplaced your labor card or forgot the number? Retrieving it is simpler than you might think:

  1. Employer Inquiry: Your first and easiest step is to ask your employer. They should have a record of your labor card number.
  2. MOHRE Website/App: If for some reason that’s not an option, the MOHRE website or app can help. Use the service for checking labor card details and enter your personal information. Your labor card number should appear with your status details.

How to view and download Labor Card Online?

Viewing your labor card online gives you quick access to your work status and personal details tied to your employment. Here’s how:

  1. Access MOHRE: Visit the MOHRE website or app.
  2. Find the Service: Look for an option that says something like “View Labor Card” or “Labor Card Information.”
  3. Enter Your Info: Key in your labor card number or passport number.
  4. Voilà, Your Labor Card: Hit the search button, and you should be able to view your labor card details on the screen.

How to Get Labor Card Details?

Accessing the details of your labor card is straightforward, ensuring you’re always informed about your employment status. Here’s how:

  1. Use the MOHRE Website or App: The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) provides an online platform where employees can log in using their credentials (passport number, labor card number, or Emirates ID) to access their labor card details.
  2. Enter Required Information: Once logged in, navigate to the section labeled “Labor Card Details” or a similarly named service.
  3. View Your Details: You’ll be able to see your labor card information, including issue date, expiry date, employer details, and your employment status.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on UAE Labor Cards

Q: What is the process for a company to obtain labor cards for its employees?

A: Companies must first ensure they’re registered with MOHRE. The process involves submitting an application along with necessary documents, including employees’ passport copies, photos, and job offer letters. Upon approval, MOHRE will issue labor cards for the employees, signifying legal employment.

Q: How can I check the status of my labor card in the UAE?

A: Checking your labor card status is straightforward with the MOHRE app or website. By entering your login credentials, you can access the section designated for checking labor card status. This will provide you with current information regarding the validity of your labor card.

Q: Can I check my labor card status using my Emirates ID?

A: Yes, you can use your Emirates ID to check your labor card status through the MOHRE app or website. Select the option to check status via Emirates ID, enter your Emirates ID number, and the system will display your labor card status.

Q: What is the procedure to check labor card status using the labor card number?

A: To check your labor card status using the labor card number, access the MOHRE app or website and look for the labor card status check option. Input your labor card number in the designated field, and submit to view the status. This will provide detailed information about the current standing of your labor card.

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