How to Cancel a Labor Complaint in MOHRE

Resolved Your Dispute? Here’s How to Cancel a Labor Complaint in MOHRE

Imagine this: you filed a labor complaint with the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) to address an issue with your employer. Now, things have been amicably resolved, and you no longer need to pursue the complaint. But how do you officially withdraw labor complaint MOHRE?

Thankfully, canceling a labor complaint in MOHRE is a relatively straightforward process. This guide will walk you through the steps involved, ensuring a smooth resolution.

When to Cancel a Labor Complaint

There are several situations where you might want to cancel a labor complaint:

  • Reaching a Settlement: You and your employer have reached a mutually agreeable solution outside of MOHRE’s intervention.
  • Issue Resolved: The problem you initially raised has been addressed by your employer.
  • No Longer Pursuing: Your circumstances have changed, and you no longer wish to pursue the complaint.

Important Note: It’s crucial to confirm the situation is truly resolved before canceling. Once withdrawn, reopening the complaint becomes difficult.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cancelling a Labor Complaint in MOHRE

Step 1: Assess the Situation

  • Reflect on the Resolution: Ensure that all parties involved in the complaint have reached an amicable resolution or that you have a valid reason for withdrawal.
  • Document the Agreement: If applicable, have a written agreement that outlines the resolution terms agreed upon by both parties.

Step 2: Contact MOHRE

  • Via Telephone: You can call MOHRE’s customer service center. This is often the quickest way to initiate the cancellation process.
  • Online Through the MOHRE Portal: Access the MOHRE e-services portal where you initially filed the complaint. There might be a direct option to request the cancellation of an active complaint.
Step-by-Step Guide to Cancelling a Labor Complaint in MOHRE
Step-by-Step Guide to Cancelling a Labor Complaint in MOHRE

Methods to Cancel Your Labor Complaint at MOHRE

1. Call Centre

  • Phone: Dial 800 60 within the UAE.
  • Request: Inform the representative that you want to cancel your labor complaint and provide your complaint number.

2. WhatsApp

  • Number: +971 600 590000.
  • Message: State your request to cancel the complaint, including the complaint reference number.

3. Online Chat

  • Access: Use the chat feature on MOHRE’s website.
  • Process: Indicate your intention to cancel a labor complaint and provide necessary details.

4. Email

  • Send To:
  • Content: Mention “Cancellation of Labor Complaint” in the subject and detail your request in the body.

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Withdrawing a Complaint from the UAE Labor Court

If your complaint has escalated to the UAE Labor Court, follow these formal steps:

  • Legal Advice: Engage a lawyer skilled in UAE labor law to discuss the implications and prepare your case for withdrawal.

2. File a Motion to Withdraw

  • Prepare: Have your lawyer draft a motion clearly stating your intent to withdraw the case.
  • Submit: File this motion at the court where the complaint was initially lodged.

3. Court Review

  • Evaluation: The court will review your motion, possibly requiring a hearing to discuss it.
  • Decision: A decision will be made based on the merits of your motion.

4. Possible Fees

  • Fees: Be prepared to pay any fees required by the court for processing the withdrawal.

5. Confirm Case Closure

  • Documentation: Ensure you receive official confirmation that your case has been closed.
Withdrawing a Complaint from the UAE Labor Court
Withdrawing a Complaint from the UAE Labor Court

Step 3: Provide Necessary Documentation

  • Details of the Complaint: Provide the reference number of the complaint and any other details that identify the case.
  • Reason for Cancellation: Clearly state why you wish to cancel the complaint. If there’s a resolution agreement, attach it as part of your documentation.

Step 4: Follow Up

  • Confirmation: Ensure you receive a confirmation from MOHRE regarding the status of the cancellation.
  • Keep Records: Retain copies of all communications and documents related to the cancellation for your records.

Step 5: Monitoring and Confirmation

  • Monitor the Status: Check back through the MOHRE portal or with the customer service center to confirm that the complaint has been officially cancelled.
  • Closure of the Case: Once confirmation is received, the case is officially closed, and no further actions will be taken.

Withdrawing a complaint does not necessarily absolve any party of wrongdoing or prevent future complaints on similar grounds. It’s important to address the underlying issues that led to the complaint to avoid future conflicts.

Labor disputes can be stressful, but the resolution of such conflicts marks a positive outcome in the professional environment. Settling disputes amicably demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a constructive work environment and underscores the effectiveness of communication and negotiation. Withdrawing a labor complaint once it’s settled not only brings relief but also restores peace and order in the workplace.

In the subsequent sections, we’ll guide you through the precise steps to withdraw a labor complaint filed with MOHRE, ensuring you understand each phase of the process and what’s expected from both parties involved in the dispute. This knowledge empowers employees and employers alike to handle potential future disputes with greater confidence and efficiency.

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